White Station Middle School Partners in Education (PIE) is an organization of parents, guardians, family and friends of WSMS students who support our excellent school in many ways. 

PIE works closely with the school administration to ensure students, faculty and staff have what they need for a successful school year.  PIE sponsors and coordinates student and teacher events, funds technology and capital projects that are not covered by the school budget and organizes volunteers to support these efforts.

All parents, guardians, family and friends of WSMS students are invited to join PIE. A suggested donation of $40 per family is encouraged, but not required.

Benefits of joining PIE:

  • Members receive informative emails about PIE and school events and initiatives

  • Opportunities to volunteer at events – a great way to get to know your child’s teachers, administrators and school environment

  • Invitation to attend PIE meetings in the school library

  • Make new friends by meeting other WSMS PIE members

  • Be a part of making our school one of the very best in Memphis!

White Station Middle School Partners in Education offers opportunities without regard to race, color, religion, sex, creed, age, disability, national origin, or genetic information.